It is a gorgeous Friday here on Ohope beach, NZ – I’ve taken my work outside to enjoy the fresh morning air and calming sea views.

morning workspace

I’m gearing up to begin my fresh blogging style, beginning next week – sorting my thoughts and energies around creating a new look and fresh inspiration for you.

As promised, on Monday, you’ll be hearing from me with an inspirational writing similar to the posts you’ve become accustomed to with scripture and insights to elevate your spirit and prepare you for the week ahead.

On Wednesday, you’ll get a luscious, YUMMY recipe to nourish your body from the inside out – lots of wholesome, juicy fruits and veggies to keep you looking and feeling radiant and gorgeous.

I’m thinking about the name, Meditation Fridays to close out the week with a super quick, 15-minute restorative meditation, visual poetry or yoga session designed to help you unwind, relax and de-stress after your week so you can meet the weekend with inner peace and a grateful heart.

I would LOVE to hear from you as I work through these changes – please let me know how I can make your experience even better – you can add your comments here on the blog, or email me at

In the meantime, enjoy these seaside photos taken with my cell phone yesterday in the tranquil, tide pools of my special beachspot. Just goes to show that sometimes it’s great to switch things up – I went to the beach earlier than usual and was delighted to find these surprises awaiting me in the crevices among the rocks that are normally submerged later in the day…

Enjoy the NZ tidal beauty and your weekend!

Blessings & peace,
